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ImageThe first annual East Shore Festival Of The Arts (ESFOTA) opening drew an appreciative crowd to a three hour gala opening last Friday.  The show turned the courtroom at Lansing Town Hall into a gallery, which spilled into the hallway.  The Lansing Community Library had works on display as well.  The opening featured music, food, and a wine tasting, door prizes, videos, and 'do-it-yourself' art exhibits, including art puzzles.

Over 25 artists are represented in this year's ESFOTA.  Most of the work is paintings and photography, all by local artists.  Organizer Robin Schuttenberg says she hopes people will visit the exhibit, which will run through June 18th.



"It was great," said Park Superintendent and Recreation Director Steve Colt at Wednesday's Town Board meeting.  "Both the court room and the library were very well done.  Robin Schuttenberg did a lot with it.  The entire event was covered by grants.  I saw a lot of people in these buildings that I've never seen here before."

"I have to commend Robin on her efforts," added Deputy Supervisor Connie Wilcox.  "It was a great event.  There were tons of people coming in and out the door.  It was very well put together, and I heard nothing but positive comments."

Colt said that the show will make a profit of an estimated $100, which will be used for lighting or other enhancements for next year's show.



The Bob Keefe Trio features (left to right) Bob Keefe,
Steve Grimm, Mark Joyce



Kip Opperman entertained on the library steps

ESFOTA organizer Robin Schuttenberg with her
own original dragon art

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