- By Jim Evans
- Entertainment

by Dr. Manda Rynne
BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS: Any disease can be more easily cured if detacted early. At the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired, we know that as well as anybody. Therefore, we recognize that adding an S to forward, backward, toward, and even upward and downward, is a mild, early symptom of Insidious Englishism Syndrome.
Saying towards may seem like nothing to get your knickers into a twist about, but sufferers - excuse me; survivors; PC, you know - usually regress quickly to early on and try and.
This is veddy serious indeed. Next, they'll pronouncing aluminum as aluminium. Or pronouncing Argentine as ARE-gen-tyne rather than ARE-gen-teen, and DEPP-oh instead of dee-po. In these xenophobic times, we want our patients to sound like native-born Americans.