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by Dr. Tilde Cedilla

SWAT I SAID: On a lecture trip to Ivy University in snowy Upstate New York, I visited a soup-and-sandwich shop and fell into a chat with a local.

"How do you people deal with this weather?"

"Weather?  We get a lotta this inna winner.  We're sicka talkin' boud it.  Everybody on campus is talkin' bout Eejupt."

"About what?"

"Eejupt.  You know, inna Middle East.  I think it's near Africa."

"Oh, you mean Egypt."

"Swat I said.  Eejupt.  They kicked out that guy, Whatisname, and didn't fire a shot.  Lot bettern that Mission Accomplished crap, doncha think?"

"On that we can agree, my friend."

Returning to the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired in sunny Texas, I couldn't help enjoying the irony of winner weather.


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