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commons_aerial120The Gallery at FOUND hosts a new show by Ithaca area artist Mary Reynolds. The show opens on Wednesday, August 17th, with an artist’s reception on Thursday, August 18th from 5-7 pm. We invite you to meet the artist and enjoy light refreshments and tasty treats. The show will be on display through September 11th. The Gallery is located at 227 Cherry Street Ithaca NY.

Ms. Reynold’s work is fashioned from humble cast off objects which are re-imagined and embellished with architectural fragments, metal, buttons, paper, natural elements and quirky found objects. Materials are chosen for their simple and uncomplicated qualities and they seem to find their way into most everything she creates. Cast off drawers, boxes and random objects are transformed from an old life to a new purpose and in their new form they become cabinets, shelves and decorative sculptures.

Ms. Reynold’s work has been exhibited in Ithaca at the annual Artist’s Market, Belle Melange, Spirit and Kitsch Gallery and Smart Monkey Café.  In addition her work has been shown at the Clothesline Festival sponsored by the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY, the Ellipse Gallery, Arlington, VA and the Art Mission, Binghamton, NY.

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