- By Jim Evans
- Entertainment

by Dr. Shirley Glibb
REZORCEFUL: When did this abomination start? And whom can we blame? Of course, Democrats would blame Republicans, and vice versa, and carry on like middle schoolers. At the Institute for English as a First Language, we blame poseurs in general.
These social climbers comprise a large fraction of our patient population. They make themselves look fatuous by affecting usage such as I feel badly instead of I feel bad and "That's the difference between he and I" instead of between him and me.
And now rezorceful. The malady has spread to misplacing the accented syllable in REsources, so that the poseuritis sufferer says reZORses.
Just remember, if you hear someone say any form of resource with the S sounding like a Z, they're probably trying to sound just a bit better than thee. And the joke's on them.