- By Debra Moree
- Entertainment

The work is a something has been stirred from deep within that hasn't spoken in a while. It embodies a form that lay dormant for what seemed like ages, and has been awoken. From it's new found life shall breath upon it's surroundings and speak.
The Myths of Gulliver opens Wednesday, December 14th. An artist's reception will take place on Thursday, December 15th from 5-7pm. The show will hang in the Gallery until January 15th.
Anesti’s work explores many of the elements that drive us each day – our inescapable relationship with our emotional state, the barriers of our own creation, and the curiosity that keeps us striving forward despite those obstacles. He received a BFA from Ithaca College in Sculpture and Painting in 2001. His work has been featured throughout the local and regional area.