- By Jim Evans
- Entertainment

by Dr. Dot Pilcrow
SWAT I SAID: Last weekend, I stopped in at the Perfect Parfait, Underbelly's ice cream parlor. Yes, we have a real ice cream parlor, one of the last in Texas.
I mentioned that I was watching my fat intake, and the young man said, "Well, we have five flavors of sherbert." Being a therapist at the Center for English as a First Language, I couldn't help noticing the problem.
"Flavors of what?" I asked, to make sure I had heard correctly.
"Sherbert," he answered. "Slike ice cream without the cream." He probably thought I was the one who didn't speak English as if it were his first language.
"Oh, you mean sherbet," I said, affecting sudden understanding.
"Swat I said. Sherbert."
"Of course you did," I breathed with a smile.
How can anyone listen and learn from anyone else when they can't listen to themselves? And they believe the schools left them behind?