- By Barbara Brenner
- Entertainment

Co-Artistic Director Gail Belokur promises, “We may know Scrooge's story but this particular production is non-stop energy from start to finish, with poignant moments between characters that span many years. It’s a compelling illustration by Scrooge that it is never too late to change and lead a fulfilling life while embracing those around us.”
Steven D. Moore, a guest artist from New York City and an Ithaca College (IC) alum, helms the cast of over three dozen as Director and Choreographer. Joey Steinhagen, R2P’s other Co-Artistic Director, explains how Moore was the perfect choice to lead this nonstop musical treat. “In addition to the breathtaking and thrilling dances, the story depends on magic – actual magic!” Moore’s theatrical background also includes extensive experience in onstage illusion. Steinhagen continues, “Objects appear out of nowhere, characters vanish before your eyes – it’s wild!”
The artistic team also includes another guest artist and IC alum, Andy Collopy, as Music Director. The scenic design is by Tyler M. Perry, who has delighted audiences as resident designer for many R2P productions. Rounding out the team are Abbey Steere as Costume Designer and Clay Harding as Lighting Designer.
As part of its goal to build community while creating great theatre, R2P has combined a cast of young artists from throughout the county with R2P alumni and mentors, as well as Ithaca College theatre majors.
The role of Scrooge is played by Cole Tucker, an R2P alum who is about to begin a masters degree program in film acting in Los Angeles. “Besides being a marvelous performer and consummate professional,” says Steinhagen, “Cole understands his influence as a role model to the other company members.” Other guest artist cast members include Nick Shuhan as Jacob Marley and Gregg Houck as the Ghost of Christmas Present. R2P company members include Elisheva Glazer (Ghost of Christmas Past), Caitlin Mallory (Ghost of Christmas Future), Noah Elman (Bob Cratchit),Tucker Rossi (Tiny Tim), Loie Faulkner (Mrs. Cratchit), Josiah Rawlings (Young Ebenezeer), Bretana Turkon (Emily), Caleb Harris (Young Marley), Will Westlake (Fred Anderson), Felix Fernandez-Penny and Ellen Shockey (Mr and Mrs. Fezziwig).
Belokur, who also serves as Production Stage Manager and Assistant Director for the show, hopes to make this holiday show a tradition. She explains, “One reason this version was chosen was because it delighted audiences for a decade at Madison Square Garden.” Steinhagen hopes that audiences will re-familiarize themselves with this classic tale and “introduce a whole new generation to it just in time for the holidays.”
The show runs one weekend only: December 15 and 16th with performances on the Saturday at 2 PM and 7 PM, and Sunday at 2 PM.