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In October, it was just one of the 26 items in the Alphabetical Actions For Aging Gracefully, presented by Barbara Bruce, a Rochester based Christian Education consultant, at that conference. The alphabetical listing was excerpted from her book Mental Aerobics, 75 Ways to Keep Your Brain Fit.
Even though the production is based on the Dr. Seuss writings and cartoons for children, “They don’t get the jokes”, explained director Cindy Howell, and “It takes your age group to understand” as she urged the Seniors to laugh, cheer, comment, clap and encourage the youngsters.
We did all that, just as if we were the best students in the class. I am sure the performers appreciated our enthusiasm and the teachers would have given g us high marks for being such a good audience. I do know the seniors I talked to enjoyed themselves.
By the Way, the entire Alphabetical Actions For Aging Gracefully from the book is:
A - accept being a slower organism
B - balance your life with work and play
C - challenge yourself with new and unique experiences
D - diet - change your diet -change your life
E - enrich your environment
F - forgive others as God forgives you
G - games - play them daily
H - hone in on humor
I - intelligences - incorporate all of them
J - journal
K - keep working at what you enjoy
L - learn life long
M - memory - sharpen yours daily
N - novelty - do at least one thing differently each day
O - optimism - see the glass half full
P - pray and meditate
Q - question things - ask what if? And why?
R - reduce stress
S - sing
T - travel
U - use all things in moderation
V - vitamins are a wellspring of health
W - water - it is the mainstream of life - drink up!
X - (e)xercise - just do it!
Y - yesterdays - recall them and share your memories
Z - zzz’s - catch some with a nap
As a matter of fact, there are several letters in this alphabet that apply to “Seussical the Musical”! Performances continue at 7:30 pm through Saturday night; you should go see it for yourself.