- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

Noting favorable conditions in the municipal bond market, County Finance Director Rick Snyder announces that the County, with a bond rating of Aa1 (stable), sold $8,935,000 of Public Improvement Refunding (Serial) Bonds November 5, at a net interest rate of 1.268%. The term of the bonds is seven years (or until February 15, 2020) and does not increase the term of the existing bonds.
The County achieved savings of $734,212 over the life of the issue, which saves the County approximately $105,000 every fiscal year.
“We work hard for about 90 days on restructuring a deal like this, but you never know if you are going to hit the market at a good time or not,” says Director Snyder. “In this case, we definitely did. I am well-pleased with the results.”
The magnitude of the savings is greater than the County had projected. “The net present value savings of the refunding is 7.52%. The County typically uses a threshold of 3% in PV Savings before proceeding with a refunding,” Mr. Snyder notes. “When we analyzed the refunding last month, we estimated savings of $552,199 and a net present value savings of 5.53%. When an analysis was done in September, the savings was estimated at $536,011 with a net present value savings of 5.36%. So, timing is everything—we were very fortunate to enter the market at this point in time.”
Results compare to the County’s last bond issue in June, when it sold bonds at a net interest rate of 3.399%.