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“This is excellent news and we are encouraged by the PSC’s decision,” said Jerry Goodenough, Chief Operating Officer for the Cayuga Operating Company. “The decision means our company and NYSEG can jointly work on a plan that ultimately reaches a successful outcome in the repowering of our plant to natural gas.”
The Cayuga Operating Company had met a PSC directive to study the impacts of repowering on the economy, the environment, and the cost to ratepayers. The company also provided data on the reliability and cost efficiency of generating electricity using clean natural gas. Cayuga Operating Company presented its analysis during the July 29th PSC public hearing at the Lansing Middle School and in follow up documents filed with the PSC.
In its presentation and follow up material, the company noted that a repowered Cayuga Power Plant would create more than 560 construction jobs and add 60 permanent high-tech jobs based on information provided by the Tompkins County Area Development Corporation. It would also stabilize employment at the plant by keeping the existing workforce of 30 high-tech personnel. It was noted that the power plant is the town’s largest tax payer, which keeps town and school taxes stable, and that without the Town of Lansing property owners would on average face a tax increase of $600.
“As the economic development corporation in Tompkins County, we take the repowering issue seriously as do several supporters of the Cayuga Power Plant," said Tompkins County Area Development President Michael Stamm. "Our evaluation and continuing study of the issue tells us that keeping the plant running helps our community to maintain our excellent schools, our local businesses and our affordable way of life. Lost is the fact that there are real people and real jobs at stake, not only at the power plant but at the Lansing School District and in the unions that represent the workers that will construct the improvements proposed at the power plant. Not repowering sends a terrible message, so I am encouraged by the Public Service Commission’s decision to have the Cayuga Operating Company and NYSEG continue to work on a solution that will save jobs, stabilize taxes and generate economic growth.”