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culvert_120An enormous culvert on Triphammer Terrace is in the ground, awaiting final paving.  Highway Superintendent Jack French said Wednesday the culvert is now covered with gravel and the road will be paved in two or three weeks. 

"The Highway Department is doing a great job," said Councilman Ed LaVigne.  "They are saving the Lansing Taxpayers a tremendous amount of money.  I think they saved us about $200,000 just in labor."

culvert_lavigneCouncilman Ed LaVigne standing on top of the Triphammer terrace culvert. (Photo courtesy of Ed LaVigne)

French said the project is behind schedule.  The culvert project was reportedly held up by residents on nearby Asbury Road who insisted that the Army Corps of Engineers certify the project would have no negative impact on Gulf Creek.  Reportedly the Army Corps of Engineers found no problems with the installation.

French said it will be another two to three weeks before the road is paved.

water_tripterraceculvertThe Lansing Highway Department assembled an enormous culvert in late August to prepare it for installation.

"We'll put a binder coat of blacktop on it for this year, then next year we'll put a top coat on," he said.  "When we get the culvert ready to go we'll pave the entire road at the same time.  We'll pave Armstrong Road and  and Franklyn Drive and Maple Drive all at the same time."

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