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capitalbuilding 120Tom Reed called for accountability from China as the government continues to manipulate its currency to stave off recession and hurt the United States' economy. "China's business practices are unfair to American workers and businesses," said Reed. "I care about having a fair and level playing field for America. We can win here and around the world as long as China, and every other country, plays by the rules."

The move by China will artificially lower the cost of Chinese goods below market value, making it more difficult for American goods to be sold in markets around the world. This negatively impacts American exporters including domestic manufacturers and will ultimately cost American jobs.

"These actions highlight the need for fair trade around the world," Reed continued. "We can't let China write the rules for the global economy and allow our workers to lose jobs because of a foreign government's actions."

Reed vowed to make protecting American jobs from foreign currency manipulation a priority as trade policy discussions advance in Washington. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, better known as TPP, is expected to be considered this fall.

"I have serious concerns about the agreement based on review of reports on the negotiations to date. This is why I have been fighting for significant improvements to the agreement that focus on agriculture, wineries and manufacturers. I have made my concerns formally known to the negotiators and am hopeful they will be addressed fully as the discussions continue. Bottom line, I will continue to fight for manufacturers and our neighbors here at home," said Reed.

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