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Washington, DCTom Reed called on oil and gas companies to reduce the price of gas for consumers in the wake of plunging oil prices. “It’s completely unfair to continue to pay over two dollars per gallon for gas when the price of a barrel of oil has fallen so dramatically in the last few months,” said Reed. “I care about the way prices at the pump are hurting families and businesses and the positive impacts in light of recent changes are long overdue.”
Reed announced his intentions to work with the Secretary of Energy to focus on bringing prices down at the pump, citing that lower gas prices are good for the economy all around. “Lower gas prices mean reductions in energy costs, which will lower the cost of consumer goods and ultimately create more jobs as energy costs are one of the main barriers to growth in domestic manufacturing,” said Reed.
Reed went on to call for domestic energy independence. “As we continue to see the roller coaster ride of stock market activity and the aggressive market controls from China, we must ensure that we continue to develop the energy resources we have here at home, which will insulate American from the uncertainty of the global market. It’s time for America to become energy secure,” Reed continued. “We must end our dependence on Middle Eastern crude oil.”
Reed also announced his efforts to work toward domestic energy independence by calling for an all-of-the-above approach to creating domestic energy. “We need to use every resource we have to meet America’s energy needs, not just oil and natural gas, but wind, solar and even nuclear. We can eliminate our need for Middle Eastern crude oil but only over time until the next big energy source is developed and we have been working diligently to continue to support policies that will get us to our energy independent future.”

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