- By Dan Veaner
- News

Art teacher Jessica Stratton with 1st grade artists
First grade artists showed their Faith Ringgold Cityscapes, with pictures of themselves flying above the skyscrapers like Superman.

This powerpoint tells about the temporate forest biome
The fourth graders showed a PowerPoint presentation on the temperate forest biome (all the organisms and living and non-living things that constitute a living area broken down by the characteristics of land, climate, and types of animals that are adapted to those things) as well as art inspired by the biomes they studied.

A tissue collage depicting the desert biome
The BOE was also treated to a study of U.S. ports that students studied to determine which would be best used to import oil into. They studied the quantities of phytoplankton in each port to determine the best environment for aquatic life. Then they picked three ports with the worst environment, the logic being that an oil spill will have less negative impact in ports that are not naturally inviting to life. The final exercise was to compose an e-mail recommending the three ports: San Francisco in the northwest, Galveston in the south, and Baltimore in the east.