- By Helming Campaign
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"It is a disgrace that any public official, who has stolen from the very individuals they were elected to represent, would still be able to collect taxpayer funded pensions. The State legislature must take decisive action to adopt legislation to close this loophole. As State Senator, I will be a tireless fighter for ethics reform. We need to clean up Albany and that starts with making sure corrupt politicians cannot continue to cash in on the backs of hardworking taxpayers," said Helming.
Under current law, state lawmakers who were elected after August 15, 2011 and are convicted of a felony automatically lose their pensions. "We need legislation that would ensure the same standard is applied to ALL lawmakers, regardless of how long they have served," continued Helming.
Ethics reform continues to be a top priority for New York State voters. Recent polls have shown that voters want new laws to prevent corruption, and they want those laws enacted now. It is estimated that 14 former state lawmakers who have been convicted of serious crimes are collecting nearly $550,000 in pension benefits per year. This figure is expected to rise with recent convictions.
"Corrupt elected officials must be punished to the full extent of the law. Our hardworking taxpayers deserve a State government they can be proud of. That is why I support pension forfeiture, terms limits, and comprehensive ethics reform. We must take immediate action to restore the trust of taxpayers," said Helming. "First things first. We must fight the corruption in Albany and, to do that, I believe that term limits are essential. Ending the era of career politicians will also help taxpayers take back state government from the special interests that drive wasteful, out of control spending and unfunded state mandates. Additionally, full disclosure of outside income is needed and there must be an immediate pension forfeiture for public officials convicted of corruption.”
"Whether it's taxes, unfunded mandates, Common Core or the SAFE Act, state government's reach into our communities and our daily lives is expanding," continued Helming. "In the State Senate, I will stand up for taxpayers and stand up for our rights. I'll work to end Common Core, continue to oppose the SAFE Act and work to repeal the measure, provide further transparency and give taxpayers a strong, resolute voice in Albany. Additionally, I will fight to bring our region its fair share of critical funding, including fighting for upstate parity to bring vital road and bridge funding in line with that of the downstate transportation allocations.”