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"Floyd Rayburn is the only person in this race that I trust fully to go after the corruption in Albany with the same force I planned to. I am behind him 100% to make sure other voters see in him what I do and they vote for him on September 13th as well," said Geiger.
"I'm of course happy Joe is joining my team. He's served his country with honor, in wartime. It's the kind of experience, leading people into a situation where your people can be killed and where your people have to kill to stay alive that can't be realized any other way. He's young and has a young family and we look forward to having his energy on the team," said Rayburn.
Geiger was under threat of being taken off of the ballot after three Pam Helming supporters challenged his more than 1200 signatures on his petitions. Helming is the state party endorsed candidate. Rayburn came out early against the challenging of petitions.
"The challenging of petitions business is all pretty inside baseball when it comes to politics. It's a prime example of the Albany machine that I want to dismantle, with their endorsements and hidden money," said Rayburn.
"I'm a combat veteran, barely one month out of the Army, and I have already been sued by one of the other candidate's supporters, claiming that my entire designating petition was fraudulent. I fought for my country while these people suing me were helping drive New York State into the ground with the establishment. They are questioning my integrity, as well as disenfranchising over 1,100 Republican voices in the district who wanted to vote for me in September. They know I don't have the financial resources for a protracted court battle and it would end the threat of me beating their candidate. It's just another example of Albany not listening to the people. By joining with Floyd, I plan to make them listen," said Geiger.
The field is now down to six candidates.