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Following discussion, the committee recommended, by a 4-1 vote, adoption of a Local Law that would change the office of Sheriff in full from an elected to an appointed position, appointed by the County Legislature, as of January 1, 2019, rather than a split position, as favored by the Legislature's special Charter Review Committee. Legislators Will Burbank, Dooley Kiefer, Carol Chock, and Committee Chair Dan Klein voted in favor; Legislator Rich John voted no, saying that while he also favors a single appointed position, he believes the committee is proceeding much too quickly, and that it needs more information, including hearing from the Sheriff and others in the department.
The committee, also by a 4-1 vote, recommended that a public hearing on the proposed law be held September 6th. Action on any proposed Local Law recommending change in the Sheriff's position by that September meeting would enable the proposal to be considered by the voters in mandatory referendum during the November 6th general election.
The Charter Review Committee, with its chair, Legislator Kiefer dissenting, has supported an alternate draft law that would have the elected Sheriff retain civil functions including operation of the jail, but remove law enforcement responsibilities to an appointed Commissioner leading a County Department of Police.
Before today's vote, Government Operations Chair Klein stressed that the committee's action was not actually deciding what should be done, but whether to send the issue to the voters. In discussion, committee members voiced the preference for a single appointed position, although Legislature Burbank initially said he was somewhat ambivalent about whether to act now. They said they believe an appointed position would increase accountability, without the administrative structure and anticipated added cost of the split-position approach. It was said that a direct-report relationship to the Legislature (rather than reporting to the County Administrator as would a department head) reflects the position's importance and would place it a step closer in its accountability to the public.
The Legislature's Public Safety Committee also will take up the issue in special session, which has been scheduled next Tuesday, August 9th.