In has come to my attention that New York State has erroneously sent out checks in the wrong amount to recipients of the newly created STAR Rebate Checks. I do not know of the extent of this issue as the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance will not share any information with the local assessment community. I therefore do not know exactly who should be receiving a check, what the check amount that the property owner received, or even if the property owner has received the check yet. The chart (below) is what the amount of the STAR rebate check should be for people who should receive the Enhanced STAR credit check.
I have no way to knowing who to verify the check amount with. I want to ensure that these senior citizens have a way to verify that their check amount is correct.
I am not concerned with the Basic STAR checks that went out to property owners. It appears that the state might have sent more money in those checks than property owners should have received but that is an issue for the state to determine how to re-coup that extra money. I am concerned that the taxpayers within the County get at least the amount of money they should be getting from this debacle of a program.
This program was ill-conceived at the state legislative level and it gave the Department of Taxation and Finance an impossible timetable to implement the program and get the checks out to property owners in an accurate manner. The amounts below are what I have calculated using the tax data provided by the school districts so some rounding issues might occur (the state might send out checks simply in whole dollar amounts etc).