- By Lansing Republicans
- News

County Legislator Mike Sigler and Town Board members Robert Cree and Doug Dake will be on the ballot this November 7th. Sigler, Cree, and Dake will be on both the Republican and Independence Party lines. With almost 330 signatures, Sigler turned in more than four times the number of signatures needed and Cree and Dake three times the number needed to qualify.
"It was a lot of door to door and I couldn't have done it without our team. Having both lines is essential to me and is a big part of why I won four years ago. I met with 140 neighbors, having them sign my petitions, and my team met with the rest. This is the best chance we have all year to get out and meet our constituents. Cree, Dake and I will continue going door to door, meeting with our Lansing neighbors to get their visions for the town and where they want the town to be in four years," says Sigler.
"Four years ago I ran on saving the power plant improving the roads, making government more responsive, accountable, and transparent, and protecting the taxpayer from tax rate hikes," he continues. "We've been largely successful, but there's more work to do. With some outside of Lansing calling for the closure of the salt mine and jeopardizing some 200 jobs, and with continued calls to shut the power plant, putting the proposed 18 megawatt solar farm and a repowering of the existing plant, the jobs, and the tax money critical to our schools in peril, Lansing needs a fighter and that's what Lansing gets with me and Robert, Doug and Ed."
The election is November 7th.