- By Ithaca City School District
- News

Due to new United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines, the price of lunches provided to students in the Ithaca City School District will increase for the 2017-2018 academic year. The changing guidelines now require the ICSD Child Nutrition Program to mandate that students be charged comparable cost to State and Federal Reimbursements. Additionally, the program is now required to incur increased cost because of the finalized "Reauthorization Act".
"The guidelines are a good thing for our students' nutrition, but the changes do incur a rising cost to the program," said ICSD Child Nutrition Program Director Denise Agati.
All school lunches in the district will increase by 5 cents. Despite these changes, breakfast prices in the ICSD will remain at the same rate as last year and the price of reduced meals will remain at 25 cents. The new meal prices are below.
- Elementary school: $1.50 breakfast, $2.60 lunch
- Middle school: $1.75 breakfast, $2.85 lunch
- High school: $2.00 breakfast, $3.10 lunch All Schools: $.75 Milk