- By Office of Congressman Tom Reed
- News

Washington, DC – Representatives Tom Reed (R-NY), Tim Ryan (D-OH), and Paul Tonko (D-NY) today introduced the Developing Tomorrow’s Engineering and Technical Workforce Act. This legislation would award grants to states educational agencies and local educational agencies to support, develop, and implement formal and informal engineering education programs in elementary schools and secondary schools. It will help provide school districts the resources to incorporate engineering and engineering technology education into their science standards.
“We need to prepare our students for the jobs of today and tomorrow. This bill would incorporate engineering and engineering technology education into our classrooms. Resulting in our students being better equipped to pursue a career in these expanding fields. By providing the proper training we are working to close the skills gap that we are currently seeing in our workforce,” said Rep. Reed.
“One of the best ways to promote long-term economic growth and ensure that we can come up with solutions to our most pressing problems is to provide our students with the tools and education they need to become engineers and innovators. The problem is, there’s currently a workforce shortage of just those individuals,” said Rep. Tim Ryan. “Studies show that engineering education both in and after school can boost interest and improve learning in mathematics and science as well as improve understanding of engineering and technology. As we retool our economy for the twenty-first century, it is common sense that we should make engineering tools and programs available in schools across the country. Our kids will be better off for it, as will our country.”
“Our global economy is being driven by the achievements and visionary work of the world’s greatest scientists and engineers. As an engineer myself, I know the impact we could have if we empower America’s schools to teach engineering as part of the core curriculum. Making these investments in our students now will not only strengthen their ability to secure good jobs, contribute to their community and support loved ones later in life, it will also help the United States become more globally competitive and remain the world’s leading economy long into the future. My congratulations and thanks to my friend Congressman Tim Ryan for his leadership in advancing this forward-looking legislation,” said Rep. Tonko.
This legislation is supported by the following groups:
American Society for Engineering Education, Heroes’ Alliance, National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, National Society of Professional Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, National Academy of Forensic Engineers