- By Patty Poist
- News

Due to predictions of dangerously cold temperatures, TCAT General Manager Scot Vanderpool announced yesterday that TCAT would offer free rides on all of its routes throughout its service periods today, Jan. 5, and tomorrow, Jan. 6.
The National Weather Service said that a wind chill warning is in effect from 10 p.m. tonight through 7 a.m. Sunday in Tompkins and surrounding counties during which time wind chill values will be as low as in the minus double digits. These wind chills can cause frostbite in as a little as 10 minutes and hypothermia or death can occur if people do not protect themselves from the cold, the NWS said.
"No one should be exposed to these temperatures and this is just one way that TCAT can pitch in to protect our community from the deadly elements," Vanderpool said. "We don't want to hear a single story of anyone suffering out there due to lack of funds to ride a warm bus."
TCAT Operations Manager Mike Smith said passengers can still use their Cornell IDs or day-based Tcard passes to ride the bus during both days, which will enable TCAT with data collection.
Smith also noted that all passengers should be aware that, due to the frigid temperatures, bus operators will not be able to use the kneeling function on their buses. Air lines for the suspension can freeze, leaving the bus unable to return to the proper ride height. They will still be able to manually lower the ramps if necessary, which may cause slight delays, he said.
"We ask passengers for their patience, dress warmly and to be at their bus stops on time," Smith said. "If you need to go out, be extra safe."