- By Office of Congressman Tom Reed
- News

Washington, DC- This week, Congressman Tom Reed outlined the legislative initiatives he plans to work on this year in Congress. His priorities include: building upon tax reform, infrastructure improvements, welfare reform, college cost containment, and agriculture issues.
"The successful foundation that tax reform provides will continue to jumpstart our local economies as it has already shown tangible results. Over 100 companies have announced bonuses and increased wages for workers across the country," Reed stated.
Reed says he is also committed to fixing our nation's infrastructure. The Problem Solvers Caucus, which Reed co-chairs, recently announced a bipartisan plan that outlines a comprehensive solution to rebuilding our roads, bridges, airports, sewers, waterways and broadband network.
"The bipartisan policy solutions we've delivered provide Congress the building blocks necessary to craft a comprehensive infrastructure plan that both parties can agree to," Reed noted. "Infrastructure is an area in which we can find common ground and I look forward to working with the President to move our nation's infrastructure projects forward."
Additionally, Reed plans to reform our welfare system by streamlining inefficient and duplicative government programs and call for work and volunteer requirements in order to receive benefits.
"We have to make sure these programs reward work and that folks get the training the need to reenter the workforce. We need to empower people and ensure they are able to become self-sufficient as we know they strive to be," Reed added.
Reed also looks to tackle the skyrocketing cost of college tuition and protect upstate farmers by fighting to maintain specialty crop research programs and reforming dairy protection programs, including the Margin Protection Program (MPP), to better reflect the true costs and needs of our farmers.