- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

Dozens of people packed Legislature Chambers, and 16 addressed the Legislature urging sustained and steadfast opposition to reported plans that coal-fired Cayuga Power Plant might seek to repower using trucked-in compressed natural gas.
Among those speaking out were former County Legislators Carol Chock and Dooley Kiefer—Ms. Chock reminding Legislators of the County's proud history of striving to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and in leading the drive against fracking.
"Why then would be want to allow that same fracked gas to be highly compressed and trucked through our County, exposing our residents to the same dangers and burned to release those same methane gas emissions now?" she asked.
Ms. Kiefer told Legislators, "We have to count on you to not let this happen…What is important is that you stand up for us and our climate."