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At Tuesday's caucus of registered Democrats in the Town of Dryden, residents unanimously selected Jules Ravo as their nominee for Town Justice and Alice Green as their nominee for Town Board.

Ravo was first elected in 2014 after serving briefly as interim Town Justice. He came to the court with 34 years of legal and trial experience in local courts as well as in trial and appellate courts at the state and federal levels.

Green is also an appointee, taking the seat of Deborah Cipolla-Dennis after Cipolla-Dennis's retirement. This will be her first appearance on the ballot. She is a founding member of Dryden's Recreation Commission and Rail Trail Task Force and was a leader at the Ithaca Youth Bureau for 25 years as well as a crisis manager at Cornell University.

After the caucus, Dryden Democratic Chair Jim Gustafson stated that the committee plans to run a thorough campaign despite having no known opposition this year. "We will run our usual, energetic campaign this year for two reasons: to motivate voters in this midterm election cycle, and to increase connections with the community. There's nothing more worthwhile than knocking on neighbors' doors and hearing about their concerns and interests. Both Alice and Jules are committed to that kind of community connection."

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