- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

Construction Contract Awarded for First Phase of Airport Terminal Expansion
The Legislature, by unanimous vote, awarded Streeter Associates, of Elmira, the construction contract for the first phase of the passenger terminal expansion at Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport. Streeter submitted a bid of $7,638,000, determined to be the lowest acceptable bid of three submitted. The project will renovate and update airline offices, move screening equipment behind the counter area, improve the lobby area, and upgrade utilities. While funding is available through the Governor's $14.2 million airport revitalization grant, the Airport has applied for federal funding to cover this phase of the project.
Other Airport-related actions:
Legislators, by unanimous vote, also authorized acceptance of FAA grants for five other Airport projects—for rehabilitation of three taxiways and part of the General Aviation ramp (design); acquisition of another passenger boarding bridge; to acquire two pieces of snow removal equipment; and to support a feasibility study regarding construction of an aircraft rescue fire fighting building.
Community Housing Development Funding Approved for Lansing Project
The Legislature, without dissent, authorized expenditure of $23,125 from the Community Housing Development Fund to support the Milton Meadows project in the Town of Lansing. The County's contribution is combined with a $233,750 Community Housing Fund allocation from Cornell University to support the project. Tompkins County's share comes from repaid federal housing funds, initially received through the Community Development Block Grant program.
Natural Infrastructure Project Approved in Danby
The Legislature appropriated $8,000 from the County's Natural Infrastructure Capital Program to support the Lindsay-Parsons Wetland Buffer Project—Waterman Tract, assisting the Finger Lakes Land Trust in acquiring 9 acres of property that buffers 900 feet of a wetland system on the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve in the Town of Danby. The project will further enhance the buffer area by removing invasive species and planting native trees and shrubs. The Natural Infrastructure Capital Program protects and enhances natural systems that can help to mitigate impacts of intensive rainfall events, help decrease sediment loads in streams and Cayuga Lake; and protects overall water quality in streams, aquifers, and Cayuga Lake, with the goal of reducing risks of flooding and protecting public and private water supplies.
Legislators Approve Two Resolutions of Congratulation to TC3
The Legislature, by unanimous votes, approved resolutions marking two milestones for Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3).
The Legislature recognized the 50th anniversary of the College's founding, when it began its life in the former Groton high school building, then relocated to its current Dryden campus. The Legislature notes, in part, that TC3 became a leader in development of co-curricular courses in regional high schools and online course offerings, has become a model of inclusiveness and a leader in diversity, and has responded to the ever-evolving academic and social needs of students. The Legislature "extends its warmest congratulations to Tompkins Cortland Community College, its students, faculty, administration and staff, on the 50th anniversary of its founding, and expresses its sincere thanks and support for all that the college does for our community and for the world."
The Legislature also congratulated Orinthia T. Montague, PhD, on the occasion of her inauguration as the College's fourth president on September 7th. The resolution notes that President Montague comes to the College with impressive academic credentials, culminating with her Doctorate degree in higher education administration from the University of Missouri-St. Louis; that her past work experience has prepared her well for her new role; and that Dr. Montague has devoted her career to helping students, especially those from underrepresented populations, find success in their college experience. The Legislature, on behalf of the people of Tompkins County, "extends its hearty congratulations" to President Montague, and "extends to her our firm support and sincere best wishes as she leads this wonderful institution into the bright and happy future of service to our students and our community.