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The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium began operations in 2011 with 13 Tompkins County local governments as its founding members.
At the August 23rd meeting of the Board of Directors, the Consortium welcomed the Villages of Freeville and Lansing. With that action, all Tompkins County local governments are now part of the Consortium. These villages are the 34th and 35th Consortium members of the Consortium, which also includes municipal partners from Cayuga, Cortland, and Chemung counties.
For the larger self-funded municipal partners, the Consortium offers a larger risk pool to stabilize premiums. For smaller municipal employers, the Consortium offers all of the lower cost advantages of a larger risk pool, and the only alternative to their previous expensive “Community Rated” plans.
The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium has become a New York State model for the most efficient health insurance structure, with its claims expense representing more than 94% of total expenses.
The Consortium anticipates growing from our original 13 partners in 2011 to 40 partners in 2019.