- By New York State Governor's Office
- News

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Monday nearly $224 million in federal funding to support counterterrorism and emergency preparedness efforts in counties across New York. Tompkins County will receive $114,967 of a $52.5 million State Homeland Security Program grant.
"The safety and security of all New Yorkers is our number one priority, and we will continue to ensure those on the front lines have access to the very best training and resources to protect our communities," Cuomo said. "With this funding we will continue to bolster efforts to keep everyone who lives, works and visits the Empire State safe and secure."
The funding, provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through its Homeland Security Grant Program, supports regional preparedness efforts, including planning, organization, equipment, training and exercise activities that are critical to sustaining and improving community prevention, protection, response, and recovery capabilities. The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services manages these programs in close coordination with local stakeholders.
"This federal funding will ensure communities are prepared and have the resources they need to respond in an emergency situation," Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul said. "We want to make sure New Yorkers are safe when emergencies and natural disasters hit home. Public safety and security is a top priority, and we will continue to work to support recovery and training efforts across the state."
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Roger Parrino, Sr. said, "These grant funds provide essential funding to ensure that our municipalities and first responders have the tools and training they need to safeguard our communities and the resources they need to improve preparedness efforts statewide."
The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services awards this grant funding to every county in the state, along with New York City. The State Homeland Security Program will provide more than $52 million in funding to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic disasters. Federal guidelines require that 25 percent of each county's total award be directed toward law enforcement terrorism prevention activities.
DHSES has identified a series of priorities for this funding in New York State, including:
- Advancement of regional partnerships
- Maturation of citizen preparedness efforts
- Development of effective cyber security programs and policies
- Enhancement of law enforcement information-sharing capabilities
- Continued coordination of emergency management planning efforts
- Sustainment of effective programs and existing capabilities
DHSES awards this funding to jurisdictions in the New York City metropolitan area under the Urban Areas Security Initiative grant. The region will use this money to sustain and enhance their critical anti-terrorism programs. Based on federal guidelines, 80% of the award is allocated to partners in the region's Urban Area Working Group, using a consensus-based process, and the consensus agreement for these funds is outlined below.
An additional $18 million will also be allocated and is included in the awards below to the City of New York from the State's portion of the 2018 Fiscal Year Urban Areas Security Initiative grant, in recognition of the City's unique position in terms of potential threats from terrorist-related activities.
A $7.4 million Emergency Management Performance Grant provides federal funds to states to assist state, local, territorial and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards. These critical funds support salaries for Emergency Management professionals at the state and local level; support training and exercises to develop and test the ability of state and local governments to respond to disasters and other emergencies; and provide essential technology to manage emergency response. Tompkins County will receive $42,717 of this grant.
A $2.9 million Operation Stonegarden Grant Program provides critical funding to enhance cooperation and coordination between federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies through the support of joint operations that are conducted along the northern border.