- By Office of Congressman Tom Reed
- News

Washington DC - Congressman Tom Reed, Republican Leader of the Social Security Subcommittee, laid out his principles for bipartisan Social Security reform under the acronym "LEAP" in preparation for an expected upcoming Ways and Means hearing on Social Security solvency.
"As the youngest of 12, raised by a single mom on a Social Security check and a military death benefit after my father passed away when I was two, I understand what it means to rely on this program," Reed said. "It is imperative to protect current beneficiaries as well as ensure Social Security is here for generations and that is what we are doing with these principles. With the combined Social Security Trust Funds expected to be exhausted in 2035, the time for Democrats and Republicans to join hands and secure this landmark program is now. That is why we are pleased to release our principles for reform."
The word 'leap' was chosen because Reed says he wants to take a leap of good faith with Democrats to ensure Social Security will continue on for generations to come without the use of tax increases.
The principles are:
- Long-term economic growth by rewarding work, not penalizing it,
- Equal treatment for public servants,
- Act now to protect future generations' benefits, and
- Protect the most vulnerable people through focused reforms.
All four major Social Security reforms were the product of Democrats and Republicans joining together to improve this landmark program. The last major reform happened in 1983 between a House of Representatives controlled by Democrats, and a Senate and White House controlled by Republicans.