- By Lansing Central School District
- News

On Sunday, July 25, Lansing Central School District suffered a ransomware virus on the district's server. The ransomware virus, known as 'Ryuk', encrypts data locking it from future use and holds the data for ransom. When the ransom is paid, a password is provided that unlocks the encryption.
Superintendent Chris Pettograsso stated that Lansing was fortunate in many ways. "The virus itself was discovered within hours by an employee who came to work on a Sunday and noticed she was unable to access certain files. She immediately contacted our Director of Technology who in turn shut down all access to our servers," said Pettograsso.
Pettograsso continued by stating that most all of the files had been backed up on an outside server and were recoverable. No ransom was paid.
Regardless, the district has worked closely with multiple agencies to ensure that data was not accessed. The district technology department has been working tirelessly reimaging all district devices, creating new network accounts, and bolstering security efforts. Pettograsso stated that the district will be providing additional end user training to assist in continued recognition of potential threats.
The district is working closely with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, NYS Cyber Security, NYS Education Department, Crypsis, Central NY Regional Information Center, and TST BOCES.