- By Geoff Dunn
- News

Legislators Briefed on Proposed Ithaca Conference Center
Gary Ferguson of the Downtown Ithaca Alliance and Peggy Coleman of the Tompkins County Convention and Visitors Bureau led a presentation on the proposed 49,000 square foot conference center as part of the redevelopment of the Green Street Garage site in downtown Ithaca. The project received a boost in December when the state Regional Economic Development Council awarded the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Foundation $5 million for its construction. Ferguson describes the conference center as a "once in a generation" opportunity.
Several community leaders spoke in favor of the project, including Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick, who sees it as a way to help struggling small businesses by bolstering the tourism and hospitality industries, while at the same time creating a meeting space that does not exist currently. The Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA) will meet next month to in part determine whether the conference center is financially viable. Legislators were generally accepting of the project, but said they need to know more about the County's role in how it will be financed.
Kenneth Clarke Confirmed as Director of the Office of Human Rights Legislators, without dissent, confirmed the appointment by County Administrator Jason Molino of Dr. Kenneth Clarke to be the permanent director of the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights. Clarke has served as Interim Director since May 2018. Prior to that time, he was Special Advisor to the department. The permanent appointment is effective immediately.
Among other business:
- Legislators voted to support a proposed New York State ban on the use of takeout containers, coffee cups, and loose packing materials containing expanded polystyrene foam.
- Legislators awarded a contract to Cayuga Compost in Trumansburg to continue to accept and process food scraps collected from residents and commercial entities in Tompkins County for a fee of $53/ton.
- Finance Director Rick Snyder reported on preliminary numbers indicating December 2019 sales tax revenue was higher than the previous December, and that it was a "very good year for sales tax." Snyder also reported the County maintained its strong Aa1 credit rating with Moody's Investors Service.
- The Legislature celebrated the County's nine Poets Laureate since 2002 by dedicating a plaque, now displayed in the Legislature Chambers, and presenting a proclamation recognizing the importance of having a Poet Laureate serve the community.