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Washington, DC - A bipartisan caucus sent a letter to Congressional House leadership Tuesday, calling on Congress to begin planning and approving ways for the U.S. House of Representatives to function during the present COVID-19 emergency. The fifty Members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, led by Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Tom Reed (R-NY), said they believe it is essential that all Members of Congress can carry out their Constitutional responsibilities and represent their constituents.

"As we continue to combat this public health and economic crisis, and work on the next emergency legislative package, I will to continue to fight for solutions to help the families and businesses in my District — one of the top coronavirus hotspots in the country," Gottheimer said. "We are in the eye of the storm, and the residents, front-line medical workers, and businesses in our North Jersey community are facing particular challenges. We need a clear process to debate and vote on vital legislation remotely, while still following public health guidelines."

The letter, which was sent to Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy states: "Unlike the flu pandemic of 1918, modern technology offers us a host of options to govern from afar, safely and securely, during these exigent circumstances. Governments around the world, including England and Japan, have deployed these options, and are voting from home."

In the letter, the Caucus outlines suggestions for leadership to consider, including voting options, floor debate, and committee procedures.

"We live in an age where anything from national emergencies, public health crises, and terrorism can disrupt ordinary House business," said Reed. "I hope Congressional House leadership will seriously consider the recommendations outlined in the letter put forth by the Problem Solvers Caucus so that our important work can continue now and in any extraordinary circumstances ahead."

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