- By Samantha Hillson, TCHD
- News

The Tompkins County Health Department reported Tuesday on ten new positive COVID-19 cases along with information on the nature of their exposure. By yesterday that number had spiked to 25 new cases since last Friday. As the number of positive COVID-19 cases increases locally, the Tompkins County Health Department is reminding residents of mask requirements, quarantine guidance, and other critical information to stop the spread of the disease. On Saturday Health Department officials reportedthat they received notification that a non-customer facing GreenStar employee tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is asymptomatic and currently in isolation.
“Our Health Department nurses conducted the contact tracing investigation and all close contacts have been identified. This was not a public exposure. The individual who tested positive is in isolation and all close contacts are in quarantine,” saidTompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa.
At this time, the Tompkins County Health Department is not recommending that GreenStar shoppers or the general public seek testing in response to this positive case.
Of the ten new positive cases, five are related to out-of-state travel, four are related to a known case at a local Fourth of July gathering where social distancing and mask wearing were not observed, and one case is connected to an active positive case with all close contacts identified.
The Health Department reported last Friday that they also received notification of new positive COVID-19 cases related to Fourth of July social gatherings. Identified cases are connected to out-of-state travel to states with significant increases of the virus. Some of these cases are connected to local social gatherings where distance and mask-wearing were not observed.
Health Department nurses completed the contact tracing for all ten new cases and all close contacts have been identified. None of the newly reported positive cases presented public exposures, and the Health Department is not recommending testing for the public in response to these new cases. The individuals who tested positive are in isolation and all close contacts are in quarantine.
"The recent increase in positive cases in our community is concerning, we have to continue taking this virus seriously and doing what we can to stop it from continuing to spread in Tompkins County. We've all worked hard to keep our numbers low and to help protect our friends and families, we can't let that hard work go to waste by not following the guidance," Kruppa said. "We have not previously released this level of information on positive cases to protect people's privacy. However, it is important to share the nature of how these individuals were exposed to illustrate the potential impact of not taking this seriously. COVID-19 is still a disease that can spread rapidly. I am hopeful that everyone will continue evaluating their own risk and the risk they are putting on others each time they go out."
Individuals required to quarantine must do so for the full 14-day period. Quarantine must be completed by anyone who:
- Is identified as a close contact of a known positive case and told to get tested by the Health Department.
- Chooses to get tested even if they do not have symptoms.
- Has traveled to New York from a designated state with significant community spread. For more information about the Travel Advisory and the NYS website, where the list of affected states is updated at least weekly.
Individuals presenting symptoms or with concerns about being exposed should seek testing.