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Lansing Fire Commissioners approved service awards for members of the Lansing Volunteer Fire Department at their March meeting Tuesday night.  Chief Scott Purcell told commissioners that 28 fire department members have earned service awards for 2006, up from 25 in 2005.  Service awards reward volunteer participation with a $700 contribution to a kind of retirement fund. 

Fire Commissioners (left to right) Alvin Parker, Kimberly Spencer,
Robert Wagner, Larry Creighton, District Treasurer George Gesslein

Awards are earned on a point system with 25 going to members who respond to a minimum prescribed number of calls in a year.  so far this year the department has responded to 147 fire and EMS calls, 74 of them in February.  Training and other activities count for points and members who get 50 points in a year earn a service award for that year.  "To get the 25 points for responses you have to respond to 10% of our total calls," explains Commissioner Robert Wagner.  "If you don't do that you don't get your 25 points, but you can still get your service award if you make enough points with everything else."

"I think it's great that it's up to 28 members, up three from last year," said Town Councilwoman Connie Wilcox, who acts as the Town liaison to the Fire District.  "That means you have participation.  That's great."

In other business Patrick Jordan of Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson & Company presented the results of the 2006 audit to the commissioners.  He presented the official audit report, which gives the district a clean bill of financial health.  The firm provided an unqualified opinion of the financial statement.  "Everything was in proper format," Jordan said.  "We also had an unqualified opinion on internal controls and compliance.  It's been very clean for several years now.  The books and records are in great shape, and there is a good audit trail.

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