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After finally filling the last of the interim positions with the hiring of Elementary School Principal Chris Pettograsso it seemed that after years of turmoil that Lansing was finally on a steady course with its top administrative team.  So it was a blow to the community last night when School Board President Bonita Lindberg announced at the start of the regular school board meeting that the Board of Education would vote later in the meeting to accept Superintendent Mark Lewis's resignation.  "Not to address the 5,000 pound elephant in the middle of the room would be a mistake," she said.  "So I'm going to raise it right now even though the action on it comes later in tonight's meeting."

Superintendent Mark Lewis (left) at a Board of Education
meeting last night at which his resignation was accepted,
with Business Administrator Larry Larence

Lewis started at Lansing a year ago last January, which may qualify him as filling the superintendent's position for the longest amount of time in more than a half dozen years.  He jumped into the fire without the benefit of the frying pan when he began work just as a $40 million capital project was about to be withdrawn.  Lewis recommended involving the community in the process, and though it was too late to save that project he facilitated a process for a new project that was intended to involve the community from the ground up.  Ironically his administration has been criticized for not involving the community.

"Obviously that changes a bit of the operating plan for this board, but first thing's first," Lindberg said.  "That is that on Tuesday we have a budget election and a school board election that must clearly be carried out, and our energies will be devoted to that.  And after that is complete the Board will again address the issue of recruiting and interviewing and the whole process to select a new superintendent."

Lansing's School Board

Lewis will remain as Superintendent through the summer, with his official resignation date August 31st of this year.  Lindberg had little more to offer as the Board's attention is now consumed with Tuesday's vote and finding a way for those who have submitted absentee ballots to submit a new vote, because of the withdrawal of one candidate and the subsequent addition of another.  "Beyond that we are not in a position to discuss it, because like all of you we just found out this afternoon," she said.  "So stay tuned and we will certainly welcome your input and keep you posted as we move forward."

After a unanimous vote to accept the resignation Lindberg offered Lewis and his wife Liz her best wishes for their future.


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