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WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded the Greater Binghamton Airport $280,250 to repave and extend the taxiway leading to the airport’s primary runway- improving taxiway patterns, runway access, and exiting efficiencies.

“The Greater Binghamton Airport is a key part of economic growth and development for the Southern Tier, and I am pleased to announce these much-needed funds to maintain a high level of safety and service,” said Arcuri, a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee which is responsible for authorizing funds through the FAA.

“These funds will improve the taxiway for the main runway helping to provide more opportunities for airport expansion, increasing access to and from the Southern Tier and expanding business opportunities throughout the region. I will continue to support development efforts at the Binghamton Airport.”

The existing pavement condition of the taxiway is poor and requires rehabilitation to ensure safe aircraft operations. It has been nearly two decades since the taxiway was rehabilitated.

Greater Binghamton Airport has approximately 115,000 boarding annually - up by 12.4% this year and still increasing.

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