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ImageBy a vote of 13 to 1, the Legislature authorized the design and right-of-way plan for the reconstruction of one-and-a-half miles of Hanshaw Road.  (Legislator Dooley Kiefer voted no; Legislator Tyke Randall absent.)  The project will rehabilitate pavement from the intersection with Pleasant Grove Road in the Village of Cayuga Heights to the approach to Sapsucker Woods Road in the Town Dryden, with nearly all the work taking place in the Town of Ithaca . 

The nearly $4.8 million dollar project will be 80 percent-supported by federal funds, and possibly eligible for an additional 15 percent state funding support.  The reconstruction is scheduled to be completed during the 2008-2009 construction season.

While characterizing the reconstruction as badly needed, Kiefer said her opposition stems from the elimination of colored shoulders (a traffic-calming measure) for budgetary reasons and inclusion of a traffic signal, to replace the current four-way stop, at the Warren Road intersection, which Kiefer believes not currently needed.  The right-of-way plan specifies that approximately 26 permanent and 60 temporary easements will be necessary as part of the project.  Before the vote, property owner Bernard Hutchins, who resides at 1016 Hanshaw Road, voiced his concern about right-of-way provisions related to his property.

Facilities and Infrastructure Committee Chair Kathy Luz Herrera said she is confident that the County has obtained input from the community on the Hanshaw Road project and is please by the effect that input has had on project design.  She said that the County has gone “beyond the extra mile” to determine that both community and safety needs are met.

Without dissent, the Legislature also approved the determination that the Hanshaw Road project will cause no significant negative environmental  impact and will require no further environmental review.

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