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ImageIn their third night of review, County Legislators acting as an Expanded Budget Committee reviewed seven more 2009 budget requests.  Taken up were proposals from the Probation Department, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, the Tompkins County Public Library, Workforce Development, the Office of Employment and Training, Cooperative Extension, and the Soil and Water Conservation District.

County Administration advised legislators that an adjustment in unallocated revenues based on recent calculations reduces the projected tax levy increase contained in Administrator Steve Whicher’s recommended budget from 2.77 to 2.55 percent, meaning that the Legislature, if it desires, could add about $150,000 in spending and still meet its 3 percent tax levy increase target for 2009.  The tax levy is the total amount of property tax revenue that must be collected to balance the budget.

Administrator Whicher told legislators he sees “important choices” for the Legislature to make, concerning program spending.  The tentative budget would deny over-target support of about $64,000 to continue Tompkins County’s Workforce Investment Board (WIB), forcing a merger with a neighboring multi-county board. Workforce Development Director Julia Mattick cautioned that action would result in a loss of local control and would dilute the WIB’s effectiveness. 

Since 1999, the County has operated the investment board, initially through a support agreement of federal funding passed down through the State, which has declined dramatically.  Although he could not include the request in his budget since it amounted to “a transfer from federal and state sources” to the County, in violation of that agreement, Mr.Whicher did voice strong support of the program, in light of current economic needs, and asked legislators to seriously consider making an investment in this area, if budget funding exists.

Library Director Janet Steiner asked legislators to consider funding more than $145,000 to support the library collection, recommended at only about a third in the recommended budget.  The request would continue one-time acquisitions funding approved in 2008 and would fill three part-time library support positions and two part-time librarians, to help address what she called “chronic” library under-staffing.  Also requested was full funding for library equipment and to help preserve Sunday operating hours.

Probation Director Pat Buechel urged that a Systems Analyst position, funded for several years on a one-time basis, be supported through target funds.  The Director called the it crucial in addressing the fast-changing world of forensic technology said the position, in part, is crucial to effective offender monitoring and enabling the department to comply with state requirements.

Committee review resumes September 23rd.

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