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ImageIn front of dozens of supporters, Michael Koplinka-Loehr, Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature, District 11, formally submitted 651 Democratic petition signatures to the Tompkins County Board of Elections to secure a ballot line in the race to represent residents of District 11 on the Tompkins County Legislature from 2010 through 2013. Ninety-seven petition signatures are required to secure a ballot line in the general election. Because a Democratic opponent is expected to also file the required petition signatures, there will be a Democratic primary on September 15th.

Koplinka-Loehr summarized his conclusions from door-to-door conversations: "I have been endorsed by the Town of Ithaca residents for three election cycles, and over the past 5 weeks I have visited almost every one of the approximately 1200 Democratic households in district 11 to listen to the concerns of those whom I have been elected to serve. Three areas resounded: the property tax burden, leadership, and maintaining a focus on the business of the people."


In meeting those concerns Koplinka-Loehr pledged, "Under my leadership, as the Chair of Budget Committee and Chair of the full Legislature, for the past 5 years the average county tax levy increase has been consistently at or below the rate of inflation while maintaining the county services we have all come to expect, and I will continue to serve the public good in this manner if re-elected."


Koplinka-Loehr was instrumental in initiating the practice of setting a tax levy guideline early each year, which has gained bipartisan support, and has allowed organizational managers adequate time to devise plans to meet that target, while maintaining county services.

For eleven of his twelve years on the County Legislature, Koplinka-Loehr has chaired a Legislative Committee or the entire Legislature. "Vice Chair of the Legislature Leslyn McBean Clairborne and I have extended ourselves to increase communication and build bridges of understanding, chairing the legislature with a perspective of inclusiveness and respect, even during tense deliberations," explained Koplinka-Loehr, speaking to the arena of leadership.


"I was elected in 1997 to serve the needs of district residents-as well as the entire county-which has meant voting my conscience for the greatest public good, even in the face of party politics. Thankfully, bi-partisan cooperation has been the norm in Tompkins County, not like the political reality of many other upstate NY counties," mentioned Koplinka-Loehr, regarding his record of public service.


Over the next 4 months, Koplinka-Loehr plans to continue to meet with district 11 residents directly to extend the conversations that have begun about local issues, priorities and any concerns about county services that they may have. In June he sent a brief survey to each Democratic household to provide another method of information gathering and responsiveness.


In summarizing why he should be the choice of District 11 residents, Koplinka-Loehr explained: "No area of our community has remained unaffected by the global economic recession and now is when experience matters most. My leadership, responsiveness to citizens, and commitment to quality public services at a tax rate you can afford, while continually improving performance for the future, form the solid foundation required to address our present county-wide needs."

"I plan to continue working hard on behalf of district 11 residents for four more years. I look forward to the support of district 11 Democrats on September 15th, being the Democratic candidate for all district 11 voters to consider in the general election in November, and-building on my past public service contributions, with energy, clarity, and resolve, in partnership with community members like those assembled here today-to position Tompkins County government to serve the people with excellence for many years ahead."


Koplinka-Loehr has been a county resident for 41 years, a district 11 resident for 24 years, and has served in county government or as director of local non-profit organizations since 1984, when he became a Department of Social Services Caseworker in the Preventive Services Unit.




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