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New York Planning Federation President Ronald L. Brand (left) with Ned Hickey
Village of Lansing Planning Board Chair Edward 'Ned' Hickey received the prestigious John O. Cross Award given to an outstanding planning board chair at the Annual NYPF (New York Planning Federation) Planning & Zoning Conference in Lake Placid on September 14th.  Hickey has been part of Village government since the Village formed in 1974, and has been on the Planning Board for 22 years.

"It's an honor," says Village Mayor Donald Hartill, "He is very deserving.  I've worked with him very closely on all of those aspects.  He has done a fantastic job."

Planning Board members Phil Dankert and Mario Tomei and Hickey's wife Anne watched as Hickey was presented the award by Cross's son David.  The award reads, '2009 New York Planning Federation John O. Cross Award for Planning Board Chair is presented to Edward (Ned) Hickey for his outstanding accomplishments as Planning Board Chair of the Village of Lansing, and for consistent support of the New York Planning Federation in its efforts toward better planning.'

"It is hard to say something that has not already been said about Ned," Dankert says.  "Perhaps this is obvious to those who have served with him over the years, but Ned's priority, in my opinion, was always to achieve what was best for the Village of Lansing."

Ned Hickey, chairing a Planning board meeting

A retired Ithaca High School teacher, Hickey joined the committee that explored the possibility of creating a Village of Lansing in the early 1970s.  He served on the Village Board of Trustees, as well as its first Planning Board, on which he served for eight years.  He was asked to rejoin the Planning Board when his replacement resigned, and has remained on the board for 22 years.  Hartill says that over the years the Village Board of Trustees and Planning board have developed a strong, respectful working relationship.

"One of the biggest troubles local governments get into is when there is not a clear understanding of (the boards' ) responsibilities, of what New York State law is," he says.  "Personalities sometimes get into the game.  I think we've managed to come to an understanding of what each board's responsibility is.  We're fortunate to have people on those boards that understand their roles and are not really interested in playing the kinds of games we see elsewhere."

"Several major projects have occurred here in the Village during his tenure," Tomei wrote in a nominating letter, one of several forwarded to the NYPF in Hickey's behalf.  "The success of these projects mainly due to his guidance.  These include: construction of the Pyramid Mall, redesign and beautification of Triphammer Road, the on-going development of the Cornell Business and Technology Park at the Tompkins Regional Airport, and several other commercial buildings and residential neighborhoods that have made the Village of Lansing one of the fastest growing and most desirable areas in Tompkins County."

David Cross, son of John O. Cross (left) presents award to Ned Hickey.

Hartill also wrote a nominating letter.  "Of course it was a very strong letter," he says.  "He's done a really outstanding job and I think he really sets the example for the right things to do in planning, providing a very balanced point of view between growth and no cost, which some people are very enthusiastic about, or no growth whatsoever, which others are enthusiastic about.  He just has a very sensible approach."

Hickey has said that he plans to retire from the Planning board in 2010, but Hartill says he hopes he will change his mind.

"I'm certainly not looking forward to it if he actually carries it out," Hartill laments.  "He's going to be very difficult to replace.  His standard will be maintained.  It makes the Village the kind of delightful place it is to live."

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