- By Patty Poist
- News

In 2009, rides increased 1%, or more than 34,000 rides even though fuel prices dropped and without any special discount promotions.
The good news comes on the brink of TCAT launching an all new streamlined route system and a high-tech fare collection system, featuring the new Tcard. Both go into effect this Sunday, Jan. 17.
“It’s wonderful that our ridership continues to increase,” said Dan Cogan, TCAT’s 2009 board chairman. “I’m sure this is, in part, a result of the positive changes we are making to improve service and make it easier to ride TCAT buses.”
TCAT in November 2009 opened up its new Green Street Station, a passenger waiting hub, next to Tompkins County Public Library. The new station, unusual for a bus system the size of TCAT, offers comfortable seating and restrooms. TCAT subleases space at the station to gimme! coffee, which lends to a café-style atmosphere, though no purchase is required for passengers to enjoy the station.
Turcotte said TCAT’s goal is to constantly look for ways to improve service and listen to what passengers want and need all resulting in a more efficient system and increased ridership.