- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

The Legislature completed the process begun a year ago to review and revise the rules and procedures of the Legislature. After more than an hour of thoughtful discussion, Legislators updated a dozen rules of the Legislature, not previously considered during the special review process undertaken in 2009.
The final vote on the rules changes was 11-4, with Legislators Jim Dennis, Pat Pryor, Pam Mackesey, and Leslyn McBean-Clairborne voting no. Much of the discussion focused on new language recommended by the special Legislative Rules and Procedures Committee governing use of electronic devices during meetings.
By a split 8-7 vote, language ultimately was added that supported some guidelines on use of electronic devices in meetings, incorporating the provision that legislators be expected to remain engaged with topics under discussion and avoid activities which divert their attention and are distracting to others. By a 9-6 vote, Legislators removed language that indicated that any electronic or handwritten communications sent during meetings are subject to the Freedom of Information Law.
It was suggested that language should more properly a take the form of a reminder sent legislators, not a rule of the Legislature. Before adoption of the changes, Legislators, by a vote of 10-5, also struck proposed language that would have specified as part of the rules that members are expected to remain in the room when a vote is to be taken.
Among other business, the Legislature
- Heard a presentation from Finance Director David Squires regarding distribution of County sales tax, including the Municipal Sales Tax Agreement with the City of Ithaca, in place since 1992. That agreement provides compensation on behalf of the City to agencies that provide a benefit to not only City residents, but also County residents who reside outside City limits.
- Approved appointments to the Industrial Development Agency, to serve at the pleasure of the Legislature. Appointed were Legislators Nathan Shinagawa, Will Burbank, James Dennis, and Chair Martha Robertson; with the appointments of at-large members Jeff Furman and Dan Cogan, and Larry Baum (representing the Tompkins County Area Development Board of Directors) reaffirmed. Appointments were approved by a vote of 14-1. Legislator Leslyn McBean-Clairborne dissenting.