- By Jay Franklin
- News

To provide property owner’s whose assessment has changed since the 2009 Final Assessment Roll adequate time to review the 2010 Preliminary Assessment Roll, the Department of Assessment will hold meetings from March 22 – April 9, 2010 for these property owners. At these meetings, it is the property owners’ responsibility to present any new information (such as changes in inventory and/or any recent fee appraisals) regarding their parcel that the Department of Assessment has not already taken into account while valuing their property at 100% fair market value. All real property information (including sales) is available for review on the 5 public computers in the Assessment Office, this information is also available at the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office.
An “Informal Assessment Review Application” will be printed on the reverse side of the Preliminary Change Notice. The property owner prior to the Informal Assessment Review Meeting is encouraged to complete this application. An alternative to appearing at a meeting, a property owner may fill out this application and mail it along with supporting documentation to the Department of Assessment. Finally, a web based Informal Assessment Review Application can be completed and submitted electronically. Whether a property owner appears in person, submits information through paper or electronic means, all appeals will be given the same consideration and will be based upon the information presented by the property owner.
If a property owner does not receive a notice of change at this time, an Official Change of Assessment Notice might still be mailed on May 1, 2010. Due to the workload that needed to be undertaken to assure all properties are assessed at 100% fair market value, not all changes that will be done for the 2010 Tentative Assessment Roll are complete as of this date. If a property currently has new construction, remodeling, demolition or any other physical change in progress, an additional Notice of Assessment Change will be mailed on May 1, upon filing the Tentative Assessment Roll.
An increase or decrease in an individual assessment will not equate to an increase/decrease in taxes paid. Taxes are dependent on the tax levy changes adopted by each taxing jurisdiction, other property assessment changes, exemptions, state aid changes and re-apportionments of county and school tax levies. The Department of Assessment can only hear appeals regarding the fair market value of the property as of July 1, 2009 and any eligibility issues relating to approved real property tax exemptions.