- By Mark Cornell
- News

“Investing in energy efficient projects will not only create jobs but also help communities across Upstate New York reduce energy consumption, cut costs and ultimately lower the burden on local taxpayers,” said Arcuri. “This is another example of the Recovery Bill addressing the needs of small communities throughout our region while at the same time putting people back to work.”
This funding is part of $24 million allocated statewide for projects selected on a competitive basis through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. These projects have been identified as local priorities to reduce energy costs and increase energy efficiency in buildings, transportation systems, waste management practices, and other operations.
NYSERDA received more than 420 proposals that were evaluated on a competitive basis. Primary selection criteria included technical viability, cost-effectiveness, demonstration of compliance with program requirements, and cost sharing. Each awardee must still successfully enter into contract and meet all ARRA requirements prior to funding being released.
The EECBG Program was funded for the first time by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Funding for the EECBG Program under the Recovery Act totals $3.2 billion, of which approximately $2.7 billion has already been awarded through formula grants to more than 2,300 cities, counties, states nationwide.
Local projects receiving funding through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program include:
- Griffiss International Airport in Oneida County will receive $272,172 in funding to install a solar wall at Hangar Building 100;
- The City of Rome in Oneida County will receive $50,000 in funding to provide outreach and education to its community though a public awareness campaign utilizing printed materials and website information to residents;
- The City of Rome in Oneida County will receive $90,000 in funding to implement a successful energy management program through developing a plan for reducing energy use, conducting systems assessments, identifying strategies with greatest return on investment, and establishing a recognition program for energy management achievements;
- The City of Rome in Oneida County will receive $354,003 in funding to install a 50 kW PV array on the roof of Rome City Hall;
- The Town of Steuben in Oneida County will receive $39,174 in funding to install a 7.56 kW PV array on the roof of the Town of Steuben Town Hall;
- The Town of Trenton in Oneida County will receive $15,000 in funding to install energy efficient fluorescent lamps and LED signs at the Municipal Building, install energy efficient air conditioning units, and replace incandescent bulbs with CFLs and existing exit signs with LED signs at the garage area;
- The City of Auburn in Cayuga County will receive $403,142 in funding to replace street lights throughout the city;
- Broome County will receive $150,000 in funding to hire an energy manager to perform energy use inventory, goal setting and planning, energy bill analysis, and outreach;
- Broome County will receive $87,048 in funding to replace 2,400 fluorescent lamps at the Willow Point Nursing Home;
- The Town of Candor in Tioga County will receive $37,384 in funding to install a solar hot water system at the Town of Candor Town Hall;
- The Town of Caroline in Tompkins County will receive $29,697 in funding to install comprehensive energy efficiency measures at the Town of Caroline Town Hall and Highway Building;
- The Town of Dryden in Tompkins County will receive $62,250 in funding to hire an energy coordinator to coordinate energy projects, develop peer to peer collaboration, and conduct direct implementation of energy projects for the towns of Dryden, Danby, Enfield, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses;
- The Town of Dryden in Tompkins County will receive $54,750 in funding to hire a coordinator to focus on public education and marketing for energy efficiency, resident assistance with energy efficiency program applications, and expand the benchmarking for the towns of Dryden, Danby, Enfield, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses;
- The Town of Lansing in Tompkins County will receive $54,415 in funding to hire two part-time employees to work on operational and facilities energy management, community outreach and education, and land-use planning for sustainable development;
- The Town of Lansing in Tompkins County will receive $55,168 in funding to install various energy efficiency measures at the Lansing Town Hall, Highway Barns, and Community Center;
- The Village of Lansing in Tompkins County will receive $31,120 in funding to install a 7.59 kW solar electric panel system on the roof of the Lansing Village Hall in Ithaca;
- The City of Norwich in Chenango County will receive $12,500 in funding to hire a consultant to develop a prioritized list of energy saving opportunities and launch a program called Renew Norwich to engage various sectors of the community to be aware of energy efficiency issues;
- The City of Norwich in Chenango County will receive $31,320 in funding to upgrade lighting in a number of city buildings;
- The City of Geneva in Ontario County will receive $409,630 in funding to install energy efficiency measures in 9 city-owned facilities including lighting, lighting controls, and traffic signals;
- Ontario County will receive $90,000 in funding to hire an energy consultant firm to survey all county assets for a prioritized list of energy and environmental savings opportunities, and develop a county-wide greenhouse gas inventory, goals and reduction plan;
- Ontario County will receive $48,960 in funding to replace the three boilers in the courthouse building;
- Ontario County will receive $81,968 in funding to conduct a lighting upgrade at the county owned Health Facilities building; and,
- Ontario County will receive $66,333 in funding to replace 226 building perimeter lighting fixtures with LED at 14 county facilities.
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