- By Dan Veaner
- News

"It's in keeping with the character of the neighborhood," says Town Engineering and Planning Coordinator Jeff Overstrom. "You have a lot of apartment complexes, tasteful town homes, and single family homes in the wooded area that is in keeping with the same kind of development that went on in Whispering Pines."

The development is being proposed as a PDA (Planned Development Area) by Cardamone Home Builders, based in Lansing. Overstrom says the firm has built tasteful developments including Whispering Pines, which abuts the new development, and Savannah Park in the Village of Lansing. A PDA is used when a project doesn't fit the zoning for an area, but might enhance the character of the community within strictly regulated conditions recommended by the Planning Board, and ultimately approved by the Town Board.
The development encompasses about 60 acres of wooded land. Overstrom says that the developer intends to keep as much of that as possible. Roadways that will eventually be town roads will connect Hillcrest and Warren Roads on the south of the development. Two north-south roads end in cul-de-sacs to accommodate most of the stand-alone homes. On the north-eastern side a walled community of townhouses is proposed around a circular private road. A commons in the center features a decorative pond that will also serve as one of three proposed storm water management ponds. Stand-alone home lots will range between about 33,000 square feet and 54,000 square feet.
Overstom notes that the proposed level of density will be possible because the property is part of an area with access to all public utilities. That will include sewer once the Warren Road sewer project is completed. That project is in the process of going out to bid, and should be completed before this development needs access to it.
Neighbors had a chance to weigh in at Monday's meeting, after which Overstrom and the developer's engineer answered questions for the Planning Board. Concerns about density and storm water were discussed. Some asked why town homes are being allowed when that area isn't zoned for them.
"We explained it's in the character of the neighborhood, and provides density and that kind of housing that seems to be selling," Overstrom says. "That's what the developer is proposing. The density isn't much more than it would be for single family homes. Just a few more units."
The Planning Board asked for some modifications and additional information. Going forward they will work with the developer to shape the final plan before asking for Town Board approval and construction can begin.