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ImageThe Legislature’s Budget and Capital Committee recommended fiscal guidelines for County departments and agencies in preparing the 2011 County budget Monday.

The recommendation, advanced by a 3-1 vote, (Legislators Peter Stein, Brian Robison, and Chair Jim Dennis in favor, and Legislator Kathy Luz Herrera opposed) would reduce the fiscal targets for 2011 budget preparation by 6.9% from the level approved as part of the 2010 adopted budget. 

The fiscal targets apply to County departments, not-for-profit agencies, and county municipalities and agencies receiving reimbursement under the Sales Tax Agreement with the City of Ithaca.  The fiscal target is the maximum amount of general revenue spending authority that a department head or program director may request without initiating an over-target request as part of the budget process.  Targets would not include one-time funding, re-appropriations, or adjustments from previous years.

County Administrator Joe Mareane characterizes the 6.9%  target calculation as “a significant reduction in spending” for departments, which represents what is expected to be needed to meet the Legislature’s 5% tax levy increase goal based on current information. The recommendation, to be considered by the full Legislature June 1, would grant the County Administrator full authority to adjust department targets, as needed, to achieve the tax levy increase guideline and states that the administrator will consult with department heads and division managers prior to reducing targets, if needed.

Legislator Luz Herrera expressed concern that the fiscal target proposal was not distributed with the meeting’s agenda packet, which she maintained is important for transparency concerning the budget.

The committee, without dissent, also recommended the Legislature pass a resolution formally asking for State approval of home rule legislation in the Senate and Assembly authorizing the County to adopt a local law enacting a .25% increase in the county mortgage recording tax.  Mortgage tax revenue of $1 million is projected for the 2011 budget.  Administrator Mareane cautioned that prospects for gaining state approval may be slim at this point, since there is an indication that the Senate may refrain on approving all financial home rule requests, an action he warns would set “a dangerous precedent.”

The committee also joined the Government Operations Committee in recommending $22,000 be released from contingency to support the first phase of a “Smart Work” training program for county government, working toward streamlining processes for four county programs:  the Health Department’s Women Infants Children Nutrition (WIC) clinic; Personal Emergency Response System processing in the Office for the Aging; Human Resources/Payroll processes, through Personnel; and the Tompkins Workforce New York One Stop Career Center.  $50,000 to support the efficiency training was approved as part of the 2010 budget.

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