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sheriffbadge2Sheriff Peter Meskill is pleased to announce that the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office has received a grant from the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee for $8,500.00 to participate in the statewide "Child Passenger Safety Program".

Sheriff Meskill said "This grant will allow our long standing Child Safety Seat Program, established in 2000, to continue for another year through September of 2011".

The grant provides money to purchase child safety seats to repalce old seats and provide seats to Tompkins County residents that cannot afford them. The grant also pays to train Sheriff's Deputies so the Deputies can show caregivers how to properly install car seats to provide the maximum safety for children riding in cars.

Sheriff Meskill went on to further state " This grant allows us to continue to effectively partner with other County agencies and provide pro-active public safety for the children of Tompkins County".

The Sheriff's Office routinely schedules monthly child safety seat inspections.


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