- By Dan Veaner
- News
The Lansing Star traditionally starts each year we start with a retrospective issue. We like to review the stories that were most viewed by you, our readers. So we checked the number of hits for each week and put the top story for that week on our 'hit list.' This week we are featuring some of those top stories.
Last year you were most interested in stories that negatively impact your taxes -- unfortunately there were a lot of those in 2010. Stories about a proposed BJ's Discout Club and a new supermarket in the Town of Lansing. Layoffs in the Lansing School District got a lot of attention. You were very interested in the new playground at Myers Park, in sports rundowns, and the Sheriff election. Restaurant reviews are always big in the Star.
The top story for the year was Katrina Binkewicz's review of Mira’s Mediterranean Bistro.