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hanna_rep_120U.S. Rep. Richard HannaWashington, D.C. – The federal government will meet its obligations to road and highway projects this construction season, U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna (R,C,I-Barneveld) announced today.

The House is expected to pass H.R. 662, the “Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011,” which extends the federal highway and transit programs through the end of September.

"As Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, I was pleased to co-sponsor this bipartisan legislation,” Hanna said.  “Thanks to this extension, states and contractors can move forward with planning for the upcoming construction season knowing that the federal government will be able to meet its obligations.

“The construction industry has been particularly hard hit by the economic downturn, and unemployment in New York state for the construction sector remains far too high.  By extending this law, New York’s workers will be ready to put shovels to earth from the moment the ground thaws.”

The 2005 law authorizing funding for highway and transit programs expired in 2009, and the government has been operating on a series of short-term extensions.

“It is my hope that this will be the last extension before a new, 6-year law is in place,” Hanna said.  “Upgrading and modernizing our surface transportation infrastructure will not only create much needed jobs in the construction sector, but also help grow our economy."

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